Check out our marketing system your property!

Ian Lazarus Realtor
Consider this before you list your home with any Real Estate Agency: No single real estate company sells more than 18% of the properties in the Cape May County marketplace.
So the company that is best able to involve every other real estate company in the marketing of your property is the one that will cause your home to sell fastest and at the highest price. Shore Points Realty has programs specifically designed to aggressively involve not only all of our agents in the marketing of your home but also every other real estate agent in Cape May County. This program is unique to Shore Points Realty (no other real estate company has anything like it) and it turns every agent in the area into your personal sales agent. Enormous leverage like that produces the selling success that has made Shore Points Realty a formidable player in Jersey Shore Real Estate.
Our systems are instrumental in mobilizing the real estate community by leveraging the laws of supply and demand. Our systems encourage real estate companies in the local and outlying marketplace to become actively involved in the marketing of your property. For their efforts, we make available the selling portion of the real estate fee to all companies and sales associates in the marketplace.
The most valuable marketing tool used by any company is the significant activity of advertising your property to other real estate associates. We, as the marketing coordinators for your property, will see to it that your property is sold twice first to the real estate community, and subsequently to the buying public. These associates and their customers make up Shore Points Realty real estate community buyers pool. These associates provide counsel and guidance to the overwhelming majority of potential buyers.
We will be the aggressive marketing coordinators with a campaign that includes advertising, public relations, direct mail, and Shore Points Realty sales associates all thoroughly trained and totally dedicated to working toward a common goal: marketing your property.
The Listing Plan of Action
My Objectives Are the Following:
- To assist in getting as many qualified buyers as possible into your home until it is sold.
- To communicate to you weekly the results of our activities.
- To assist you in negotiating the highest dollar value …between you and the buyer.
The Following Are the Steps I Take to Get a Home Sold … the “Pro-Active Approach”:
- Utilize the features of the Marketing Upgrade System
- Home Protection Plan
- Cooperative Showing Suggestions
- Shore Points Realty Custom Video Tour
- Single Property Website
- Renter to Buyer Assistance Program
- The Home Merchandising System
- Include to our Internet sites to expand exposure to your property. Our web sites can be viewed at: , ,, , , and affiliate sites.
There is much more to the marketing system. If you want how we exploit the market please call me to discuss all of the possibilities. I will not just put a sign up and hope it sells. Ian Lazarus, Broker, Shore Points Realty, or direct at 609-457-0258 (M)

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